Daniel W. Eavenson

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A month of Blogging

Hey! It’s been a while. This site has become pretty heavy on JUNO stuff this last year. A project that has consumed a lot of my time creating, organizing, and wrangling my fellow authors into the same imposition. And hey it turned out great!

Our first anthology is out! You can buy signed copies from this very site. I have to say that all the art and the stories and the people that have embraced this concept has been incredible.

You can get it now right here on this very website! Or form amazon I guess if you want.

With all of that I managed to fail pretty hard at NaNoWriMo this year. I have book that I’m working on that I really like. Its currently Called Crimson’s Wrath, but that’s pretty temporary as titles go. It’s been a while since I’ve something of my own that I’ve liked as much as this project, so I want to try and get some momentum. So to do that I’ve committed to doing something else entirely! Wheeeee

So I’m going to try and blog everyday in December. Just want something that will remind me to get in front of my non-work computer and put some words on the screen. Maybe that will help me get my novel moving again, but maybe not. Writing is always a hobby for me at this point. So even though I struggle with it, it’s comforting that none of this stiff that I love to do is also what I need to do for like rent and food and what not. It’s fun but not critical, if that means anything. It’s actually taken me a while to be at peace with that idea, but honestly the success of JUNO has made that a lot easier.

Ok 1 day down. Cya tomorrow.