Daniel W. Eavenson

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Hirolajak - Child of the Night

A report by NB-0218. After the download of information from the entity Kimmasi, Observer BL-2004 began to audibly narrate many of the entries they were given. In an attempt to maintain the nature of the information in the format it was received we will do something a bit dramatic. So, I, NB-0218, present:


As transcribed into aural narrative by BL-2004 and recorded by NB-0218.

As the ongoing feud between Akkakuh and Unzulaja continued, Unzulaja found themselves increasingly isolated in the night of JUNO. Unzulaja attempted to do what their own creator had done and created a friend. Thus, was born Hirolajak, the shadow. Night’s companion. Hirolajak was torn from the flesh of Unsulaja as the eclipse that birth Unzulaja passed over JUNO once again. His form was a biped with dark skin that drank in the light. A shadow that flitted with impossible speed even through the light of day. Though he had the general shape of the two sentient species of JUNO, his head was that of the dominant night predator of the northern continent. A thin snout with large fangs and rows of serrated teeth. Large ears, which stuck straight up, and ended in tufts of dark fur.

Though the two did become fast friends, Hirolajak did not share Unzulaja’s disdain for the day and the attention of Akkakuh. Hirolajak scurried about the world seeing all there was to see and meeting all there were to meet. Both god and mortal, animal, and plant came to know the presence of Hirolajak. For many he was a misfit or a nuisance. For many of the gods he was a figure of entertainment. Akkakuh came to love the tricks and jokes of Hirolajak. But for the sentients of JUNO he has come to be a creature of misfortune. Hirolajak has grown to love manipulating them into various situations comedic situations, rarely to their benefit. Indeed, among the Uchafumlaji, bad luck is often referred to as Hirolajak’s Fun.